Support Us

In order to support those we serve, we rely entirely on the financial support of people like you. There are several ways to give to Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County. Choose the option that's right for you.

Legacy Giving

There are many benefits to Legacy Giving. Making a donation in the form of a bequest in your will or other legacy gift is an excellent way to ensure your charity giving plans. If you have any questions about the best way for you to benefit through a planned gift, please call. A member of our Legacy Giving Team will be very pleased to help you.

Please call 360-452-1511

Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County is not a financial advisor and therefore your attorney or advisor is your best source for a planned gift to hospice. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with Tax ID #91-1076440. We do not charge for any of our services and rely on the generosity of the public we serve to continue this work started in 1978. Please consider us in your future planning.